SambaSafety Electronic Vehicle Registration Services Supports AB 516 and Auto Dealers for Electronic Report of Sale and Temp-Tags
All California auto dealers must submit Report of Sale (ROS) electronically effective Jan 1st, 2019.
California AB 516 was introduced to streamline reporting aspects of auto sales through the creation of a Temporary License Plate and electronic Report of Sale System. Beginning January 1, 2019 dealers will be required to electronically report the sale of a vehicle and issue a Temporary License Plate if the vehicle does not have a California license plate, at the time of sale. The Temp-Tag will bridge the time between time of sale and when the permanent registration is completed. Temp-Tags are valid for a period of 90 days, and need to be removed upon receipt of permanent license plates. Law enforcement and toll operators will have immediate visibility to vehicle and owner information thru this program. Each year, thousands of vehicles operate on CA roadway’s and highway system with no license plates – which creates a public safety issue for law enforcement, and allows vehicles without plates to evade tolls.
SambaSafety has partnered with AutoManager to provide a comprehensive solution to this challenging change. The solution includes both vehicle transfers and the Temp-Tag program.
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